How to scan:
Firstly there are two ways
- Go to photoshop and press the menu 'File' and then import, then click the 'HP scan Pro' then click the menu 'Adjust'. Then you decide which colour and resolution you want for the image. After you place the image on the scanner board, press the menu 'New scan' then change the orientation as you like. Then press 'accept'.
- After you get the image in the photoshop, save the file as photoshop and then rescale the size by pressing the 'Image'
WE could not do the first task such as scan with the descreen on and off. Therefore, we did the second task straight away.
The highest resolution would be best for web, print and presentations for fashion. It is because, the smaller it has, the more rough and undetail we would see when we zoom it. For example, let's take a look at the image with 72 dpi, 150 dpi and 300 dpi below.
- This is the sample fabric that i scanned with 72 dpi. The rough texture of the fabric could be seen even though from far away, it still looks fabulous.
- This is taken with 150 dpi(left). Although it is better, however, when it is compared to the image with 300 dpi ( the right), the quality can be seen. You could try to zoom it and see which image that provides the best details.
This is the DDS drawing that i made, i scanned it with 300 dpi and with non sharpening to avoid the messy lines that is produced by the pen.