Saturday, October 25, 2014

Land of Avatar

Couple days ago, i went on a tour to Zhang Jia Jie 長家界 ,to see the magnificent mountain where Avatar was filmed. In Avatar, where the bird was flying, passingn through the mountains are so breathtaking that we all wonder where exactly i could see this dreamy world.  Is it photoshopped or real? It is actually real! However in Avatar, they did a bit of photoshop to make the stone floating in the air. 

To go to see this mountain is not easy, it requires a lot of Sport and walk! Make sure when you are comig here you have to be well fitted. The mountain is so huge, that even 1 day of exploring the area is not enough. 

Here i want to share to all of you, all photos that i have taken. If you see some  unfamiliar scene from Avatar in the photos, yes it is not the place that avatar was filmed. Avatar was filmed at YuanJiaJie, (area in the zhangjiajie bational park)

Nature painter

At zhangjiajie, the guide took us to a place where it contains history of the famous painter who created an amazing artwork. What makes his work unique in comparison to other painters is the method he used to portray the subject matter. Look at the picture below,This photo above is some examples that he used. He purposely took all the rocks and materials from the site, and grinded them into small materials like dust to be able to make him easier to have the effect of the nature itself. Not only that, real wood and other parts from the nature are being cleverly assembled in order to produce a more "realistic" image for the viewers. See the photo below
The way he applied all of those materials is very detailed and carefully thought to project the nature and making them look alive, don't you think?

Here i posted some artworks that he painted, these artworks are actually huge that you could immerse yourself to that world. Guess what he painted??